
How to keep positivity alive

Every day something good happens. Even though it may be clouded by the negative. A moody customer could overshadow that compliment you got at work, or a rainy day masking that beautiful rainbow you saw. You can still save your day by remembering the positive side in stead of clinging to the negative.

In a normal day to day situation, when you want to remember something you need to do, you would write it in a planner or agenda. For memories it’s not so different. There’s a ton of things you can do to remember to think positive.

For example you can start a simple diary to write down the things you loved about your day. You can make the piece as long or short as you want. Write a line a day or make it a story. All that matters is that you can relate to the writings and it makes you remember that life’s not that rainy cloud masking your rainbows.

You can write a positive quote which represents the good moments of your day. Make it short and simple, something you found online or a sentence that makes you happy. You can also make it into a whole piece of art. Use hand lettering and illustrations to express your good feeling.

You can reserve a section for positive thoughts in your bullet or travel journal. Make it a daily habit to write something nice about your day.

If you’re really artsy you might even consider making a mixed media piece that expresses the good feelings of your day. Try not to think to much about a pretty outcome, but more of the process of doing it. You might even end up with an accidentally beautiful art piece.

What I’m trying to say is that it doesn’t always necessarily need to be a good day to be happy about it. The tiny little sun rays will always be poking through the clouds, but you need to move your face to the light to catch the warmth. Go out and find the positive way in your day.

If you want to know more about the different ways of documenting your happiness, I will talk more about it in the upcoming posts.


  • Eileen

    Hey Aniek, nicely done!
    It’s very easy to read (since I’m not such a reader) and there is an amazing truth in your story. I think lots of people can relate to this, great job! I’ ll be waiting for your next post ?
    Xxx Eileen

  • Ikke

    Isn’t it typically Dutch to complain about everything, down to the tiniest details. Completely agree that we should really focus on remembering the positives. Thanks for your contribution in trying to make the world a more positive place. The more tiny little sunrays we all add together, the brighter the days ahead of us ……. Looking forward to read more!

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