
Finding joy in every day and letting go of perfect

A new day begins. As the sunrise transforms the world around you in a rainbow of colors. This new start brings another chance for you to go on the hunt for positive insights. The world will throw all kinds of positivity your way. It’s your mission to look for them and connect the dots.

It’s not easy to always have to come up with things yourself. Sometimes we need a little help in finding our way through it all. I’ve always found workbooks a really helpful aid for boosting my ideas on how to boost myself. On my journey I like to do things, not only read about it. I genuinely feel like I’m making a difference when I’m actively surrounding myself with positive ideas.

Happy by Fearne Cotton is a realistic (work)book about finding happiness and the journey towards it. I find that we have very similar ideas on our journey and where we came from. So I really wanted to share this find with you guys. The book itself is not only about the happiness we find but also about searching underlying problems which can be hurdles on our journey. She also talks about our definition of happiness. We often think we have to earn it from others, or that it’s only for a selection of people. The beautiful thing is that it’s for all of us no matter who you are.

For me the best part about this (work)book is that it has lots of little assignments and ideas on how to bring happiness and positivity closer to you. It goes from making a list of positives to happy recipes and from yoga exercises to writing a list of the flaws you’re proud of. While she’s talking about her journey from depression to content, she really takes you by the hand and shows you her way of finding and holding on to positivity.

Below you can see a sneak peek of one of the little exercises she shows you.

It’s soothing to see that others have walked the path you are at the beginning of. And to see that they are starting to get the hang of it. No matter where you are starting from you deserve to find your positive space.

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