Art,  Journaling

Don’t think just art

In our busy lives we keep running forward. We want to be heard, be someone. The high standards that seem normal nowadays, we want to reach up and touch those. It’s become normal to be better than yourself and to keep climbing that ladder to a better place.

We all seem to forget that the best place of all is right here, right now, because that’s were you are. If you want to make a change, you have to start were you are. If you want to be you, the real you, you have to stop running ahead. Stop for one second and empty your mind to clear the view.

The following exercise can help you clear your mind. Stop thinking and let’s just make art. It doesn’t have to be beautiful. It doesn’t have to mean something. It just has to be you. You and your empty mind having fun and no worries for a moment.



Start with just smashing some paint on the paper. It doesn’t have to be anything or mean anything.




Smash some more paint on the paper, until you feel satisfied with what’s in front of you.




You can use stencils for adding some texture on your page. They don’t have to be expensive you can use old packaging with holes in it, if that’s all you have.




Start adding other media, like watercolors. It will give you a whole different feeling working with it. Just experiment!




Without thinking you can start to see or feel things about your work of art. Let that feeling guide you when you add more techniques and media.



Add some final touches and the outcome may surprise you in the end. If you want to document how you felt during your process you can add a piece of writing or a quote. You can also add a date so you can look back and remember the moment.


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