Art,  DIY,  Journaling

My favorite art supplies

Whether you want to make art or write in your journal, you will need some things to help you with that. It can be as simple as a pen or maybe you want something more challenging.

This week I want to share some of the tools I love and use a lot myself. I also want to share why I love these tools and what I use them for.


One of the things I use most to express myself is ballpoint pens. The pen that makes me the happiest of all is the rainbow multi color pen. You can get them for cheap, they’re easy to carry around and you have the rainbow to use to your hearts content. I like to write different pieces of my journal entries in different colors, but I also love to doodle and sketch with the rainbow in my hand.


For my more artsy days I like to use watercolors. I can’t say that I use one brand or if it’s cheap or not, because all brands and types have their purpose to me. For quick doodles and sketches I love to use cheap off-brand sets. For more delicate daily entries or dropping some colors I like to use the mid range and when I’m truly inspired to make a large piece I will tend to go to the more expensive brands. The key is to find a set that fits your needs and budget and it will not disappoint you. I didn’t start off with expensive supplies. More like I started off on the cheap just to try things and see what I liked to do.


When I’m feeling lazy I love to use stickers and washi tape to convey my feelings on the page. Cut outs from magazines also make a great mood maker on the page. Sometimes I like to use photo’s on my entries. For this I either use my standard printer and sticker paper or my HP sprocket. While my sprocket is more for traveling it’s also very convenient at home.



Never forget color pencils. You used them as a child and you will never forget the sense of achievement you get when you finish coloring a picture you found or made yourself. The greatest thing is that most of us has learned how to use them and you can just do your thing without thinking too much.


As you can see I love a lot of supplies. I have my preferences when it comes to the brand or kind of equipment, but I never rule out any other. I love to experiment and play. It makes me feel free, gives me a way to express myself without being scared of what everyone thinks. Because it’s for me I can give myself freedom and that is what happiness is to me.

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to let me know via the form below. If you liked this post and want to keep being informed for new ones, there’s a subscribe form at the top right.

As suggested by one of my subscribers I will add some examples of the outcome.


  • Carin

    Heb je ook een resultaat van de materialen die je gebruikt
    Zoals een tekening met potlood of met andere materialen

    • afpheijboer

      Thank you for your comment! I love getting feedback about my posts. As for the results of using my supplies, I will make an addition to my post to show some of my pieces

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