
We are beauty

We all struggle with insecurities about ourselves. Do I look beautiful? Am I behaving the way others expect me to? Do I stand out? These are all questions we ask ourselves on a daily basis. Maybe not consciously, but we all want to be accepted into the world around us.

Isn’t it already a beautiful thing that we all exist? That we all have our own personalities. That we all are human beings on the same planet?

As I was pondering about these subjects I got inspired to make an art piece to explain my genuine feeling about the word beauty.

The piece consists of two “butterflies”. One of them has only one wing, but it still looks beautiful. It still shows of its beautiful colors and it’s uniqueness. The other is actually a moth. It doesn’t have all the colors the butterfly has, but is equally as beautiful using its unique patterns and cute feathery feelers.

It doesn’t matter if you look like you belong. As long as you are you, because you are beauty.


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