Art,  Journaling

Positive prompts worksheet

As I was going down the rabbit hole that is the world wide web, I noticed that a lot of people have trouble starting to journal. The big bad blank page staring back at you intensely making you uneasy. It doesn’t make things easier.

I want to make it easier for you to start creating. So I made a worksheet for you all. You can print it out on any kind of paper and start you progress to positivity.

Click here to go to my shared Google drive were all my freebies will be collected.

You can use this work sheet any way you want. Write on it. Paint it. Glue and collage stuff on it. Make it yours so you can make your own moment all about you. You don’t have to do it all at once and you don’t have to make it perfect this is for you.

If you want to share your beautiful work with all of us you can share it via the new instagram gallery on the right. Just take a picture, use the #tinylittlesunrays in your description and it will show up!

Have some ideas or something you want to see me do? Feel free to use the comments section below to share.

One Comment

  • Carin

    Het is weer een gezellige pagina . Ik ga het zeker doen
    En misschien print ik het twee keer uit zodat ik het verschillend kan invullen ?

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