Journaling,  Life

Little bits of happiness

As small as the smell of a particular flower, or the smile on a strangers face. The beautiful colors of the sun setting. The sun shining through the leaves. There are a lot of little things that can make you feel happy or glad to be in this moment.

Sometimes something happens that pulls clouds over your days and we need to search for that little ray of sunlight shining through. At that moment it can be hard to find the things you like or love. That’s where this exercise might come in handy.

What do you like or love? It doesn’t have to be big. The tinier it is, the easier you can use it. Make a list of all those things. Write it down. Make a collage. Make it a poster. Do whatever makes a reminder for you.

You can learn from the things that make you happy. Are there any things you can easily do or experience? Like a scent that you love. Maybe there is a scent vaporizer that you can put that scent in. You love the outdoors? Maybe there is a park that you can take a walk through. Don’t like bumping into people while you enjoy nature? Search for a beautiful documentary about nature. Be creative with it and just do you.

The important thing is that even though the clouds may be dark there’s always a sun shining behind it. Sometimes you have to search for it, but you don’t have to make it hard. Just take one of your tiny bits of happiness and pamper yourself, because everyone deserves to be happy.


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