Art,  DIY,  Journaling

Think positive, be happy and create happiness

We like to collect little bits of happiness everywhere we go. Our travels, our work, our home, everywhere we can find little things that give us a good feeling.

When I look through a magazine I notice myself being drawn to certain images. Either the beauty of them catches my eye, or they make me feel a certain way. Whenever I see something that makes me feel happy, I want to look at it longer and more often.

The minute I noticed this I grabbed an old magazine and started to go through the pages. When I found something great, I just simply cut it out and kept it for a collage.

When I’d collected everything I wanted from the magazine, I layed the pieces out in a way that made me feel good. I looked for a colored piece of paper to glue the pieces onto and found a pale yellow one that fit the images. I glued every one of them in the way I had them layed out.

I wanted to do a little more to it to make the pieces melt into one whole image, so I took my watercolor pencils and mimicked the colors that were already in the images to blend them together. After that I portrayed the piece on my vision board so I could look at it and remember all the good feelings it made me feel in that moment.

If you want to submerge yourself even more into the feelings you have when you look at the images, you can write about it. Use a journal to write about each little piece and what it means to you or what it makes you feel like.

Want to share your beautiful findings? Use the #tinylittlesunrays on instagram and you will be shared on the blog via the instagram gallery.

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