Art,  Life

Finding beauty in our harsh world

Traveling is like a to step through a portal into an other world. Exploring new places, finding joy and beauty with every step you take. Looking for the small things that make you smile. It can be a beautiful flower or just the way the sun shines through different structures.

When summer comes I usually try to do some traveling. This year I went to the landschaftspark in Duisburg Germany with my dad. It is an old factory which isn’t in use anymore. It is left untouched, so nature can take it over again.

This post is mostly going to be about enjoying and experiencing the feelings I had while seeing all this beauty. How intriguing it is to see how nature and industry can cooperate in such an appealing way.

Walking through a mix of nature and industry

We were also very lucky to have a very sunny day to take pictures as we wanted to try some urban photography. I noticed I was a lot more experimental, because I wasn’t in my usual surroundings.

The sun was saying hello and peeked its head around the corner

At night the whole park was lit up in colorful lights. It was like stepping trough a second portal and ending up in a fantasy world. Every angle we had already photographed got a whole different feeling to it.

The windmill we could see from a square was lit in a beautiful blue hue
The plants were lit green from below and the crane hovering above it aswell
The green lit crane behind an old cooling building
Urban sketch of an overgrown building





While we were on our walk I wanted to try out the watercolors I made and I was very impressed by the vibrancy I could get out of them. The colors were great for the big difference between the building and the greenery. The process of painting and paying attention to little details also gave me a greater appreciation of the mix of the hard and soft feel the surroundings gave me.





The hard and cold feeling of industry in its beauty
The softness the flowers and other foliage gave the structures





In  these pictures you can see the beautiful contrast nature and industry provide. It gives off a feeling of being in an other world, almost surreal. Wandering through this surreal world I caught myself not thinking of daily struggles and household chores. It is exactly what you need from a vacation. All I had to do was open my mind and take a leap into this world before me.


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