Art,  Life

Sharing fun with our loved ones

As my mom explained she wanted her birthday party to feel airy and positive, we came up with the idea to make a workshop. We wanted to make the conversations about our current experience playing with art.

We planted all kinds of art supplies on the table to inspire those who would join us. A side of snacks and drinks gave everything a nice and relaxed atmosphere.


As I started with the introduction of the piece we were going to make there were some who had a bit of doubt. The whole idea was to make something and just enjoy the road. It didn’t have to have a beautiful outcome, as long as you felt the positive energy, empty mind and calmness that each stroke of the brush created.

Maybe I had the best time of all. Just watching them progress through all the different layers of mixed media. Seeing how much joy and positivity was created nearing the end. Seeing them smile brightly gave me a feeling of fulfillment.

I genuinely love this way of sharing our fun and joy. Encouraging others to step out of their box and just create, no strings attached. Doing something that is solely for yourself. Not caring that the work itself is not as you wanted and letting it go.

Photo thanks to my dad (Cees Heijboer)


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