• Art

    Everybody can make art

    We live in a time when we are judged by our quality. When you make art it has to be beautiful and seem difficult to make. All I can do is wonder who makes those standards and who makes the rules of what’s beautiful and what’s not. The things I like and find beautiful might be different from the things you like.

    The most important thing in art for me, is to see what’s special about the artist. How someone’s eyes see the world around him or her. A lot of artists are inspired by others, but you can always see their personality shining through their art.

    For this post I was inspired by James Luke Burke on YouTube. He is an amazing artist who has a lot of influences from Jane Davenport. He always shares his art with others and encourages people to use his artwork to get inspired and create their own. A lot of the art he makes originates from collage work. The following piece is made with loose pieces of a body, head, legs etc. I stuck it on a background of acrylics I just dropped on the page.

  • Life


    Shouganai (しょうがない) is actually a shortened or slurred way of saying shiyou ga nai. Directly translated, shiyou ga nai means, “there is no way of doing/going.” It is used interchangeably with shikata ga nai, which translates identically.

    Although it is not a strict Japanese mindset it still holds the power and strength it makes me feel. You can also hold on to the western way of saying it. In English: It can’t be helped. In French: C’est la vie. In Dutch: Het zij zo etc. There are lots and lots of ways to say it, so just take the one that speaks to you most.

  • Art,  Journaling

    Positive prompts worksheet

    As I was going down the rabbit hole that is the world wide web, I noticed that a lot of people have trouble starting to journal. The big bad blank page staring back at you intensely making you uneasy. It doesn’t make things easier.

    I want to make it easier for you to start creating. So I made a worksheet for you all. You can print it out on any kind of paper and start you progress to positivity.

  • Life

    We are beauty

    We all struggle with insecurities about ourselves. Do I look beautiful? Am I behaving the way others expect me to? Do I stand out? These are all questions we ask ourselves on a daily basis. Maybe not consciously, but we all want to be accepted into the world around us.

    Isn’t it already a beautiful thing that we all exist? That we all have our own personalities. That we all are human beings on the same planet?

  • Art

    The freedom of watercolors.

    Our lives are fast and we need to keep running to keep up with all the changes. What if we want to stand still for a moment? What if we need to have a moment all to our self? What if we want the time to clear our mind and think of nothing?

    At a moment like that I try to keep away from any electronics. Except for maybe some music. I like to gather my watercolors and don’t make anything. Just let the colors and fluids do what they want. I guide them to places where they can make beauty bloom. No set plan, no sketches and no drama.

  • Art,  DIY,  Journaling

    My favorite art supplies

    Whether you want to make art or write in your journal, you will need some things to help you with that. It can be as simple as a pen or maybe you want something more challenging.

    This week I want to share some of the tools I love and use a lot myself. I also want to share why I love these tools and what I use them for.

  • Journaling

    Positive journal prompts

    Your journal lies before you. Waiting for you to create your positive notes of the day. Your pen is hovering above the blank page and the ink just doesn’t want to flow on the page magically. It’s a waist if you want to write your heart out, but can’t find a good subject. What if I could help you out a little?

  • Life

    Set your childlike wonder free

    You know when we were children we could spend hours looking at ants moving stuff around. We could be amazed by the wind playing with leaves. The very sight of a rainbow let us drop what we were doing and stand still, just staring in trance at the miracle the rain brought us. What happend? What changed? To make us numb to those tiny little wonders.

    In this day and age we measure ourselves by what we can do and by what we’ve accomplished. We measure the greatness of our lives by the amount and price of products we can buy. Everybody knows that happiness can’t be bought and money doesn’t make you happy. The key is to find out what does. I don’t know the big answer either, but I’m on this age old quest for true happiness like everybody else.

    To kickstart my childlike wonder I like to take baby steps. Just sit on my balcony. Look at the world around me. See what jumps to my attention and stand still for a moment. Like a child staring in wonder at the rainbow. I soak in the image I see and try to find my little wonder.

  • Art,  Journaling

    Don’t think just art

    In our busy lives we keep running forward. We want to be heard, be someone. The high standards that seem normal nowadays, we want to reach up and touch those. It’s become normal to be better than yourself and to keep climbing that ladder to a better place.

    We all seem to forget that the best place of all is right here, right now, because that’s were you are. If you want to make a change, you have to start were you are. If you want to be you, the real you, you have to stop running ahead. Stop for one second and empty your mind to clear the view.

    The following exercise can help you clear your mind. Stop thinking and let’s just make art. It doesn’t have to be beautiful. It doesn’t have to mean something. It just has to be you. You and your empty mind having fun and no worries for a moment.

  • Review

    Finding joy in every day and letting go of perfect

    A new day begins. As the sunrise transforms the world around you in a rainbow of colors. This new start brings another chance for you to go on the hunt for positive insights. The world will throw all kinds of positivity your way. It’s your mission to look for them and connect the dots.

    It’s not easy to always have to come up with things yourself. Sometimes we need a little help in finding our way through it all. I’ve always found workbooks a really helpful aid for boosting my ideas on how to boost myself. On my journey I like to do things, not only read about it. I genuinely feel like I’m making a difference when I’m actively surrounding myself with positive ideas.