• Art,  Life

    Let’s welcome fall

    As the leaves are changing colors the cool wind sweeps them off their branches and into the air. As a child I always loved seeing a cloud of leaves playing in the wind. Even as of today I feel like a child again when I see that phenomenon again.

    The colors of the leaves always bring me joy and good memories. That’s exactly why I wanted to give fall a warm welcome into our world. What better way than to dedicate an art piece to it.

  • Life

    We are all human

    As I was going through my days, I caught myself running again. It wasn’t until I went on a day out with my family, that I noticed it.

    The world was going fast around me and I wanted to keep up, forgetting my own dreams. These are the moments we learn the most from.

  • Art,  Life

    Sharing fun with our loved ones

    As my mom explained she wanted her birthday party to feel airy and positive, we came up with the idea to make a workshop. We wanted to make the conversations about our current experience playing with art.

    We planted all kinds of art supplies on the table to inspire those who would join us. A side of snacks and drinks gave everything a nice and relaxed atmosphere.


  • Art,  Life

    Finding beauty in our harsh world

    Traveling is like a to step through a portal into an other world. Exploring new places, finding joy and beauty with every step you take. Looking for the small things that make you smile. It can be a beautiful flower or just the way the sun shines through different structures.

    When summer comes I usually try to do some traveling. This year I went to the landschaftspark in Duisburg Germany with my dad. It is an old factory which isn’t in use anymore. It is left untouched, so nature can take it over again.

  • Life

    Taking a lesson out of nature

    There has been a drought in Europe for a few weeks. You could see nature begging for some water while the sun kept shining bright. The fields that were once a luscious green are turned into a bed of brown. A balance was disturbed and the trees and plants were having a tough time. On my walk with a coworker I saw how devastated the fields were. When I looked further then the big patch of dead grass, we noticed some bright green trees. As we ventured further into the park, trees were looking more healthy.

  • Journaling,  Life

    Little bits of happiness

    As small as the smell of a particular flower, or the smile on a strangers face. The beautiful colors of the sun setting. The sun shining through the leaves. There are a lot of little things that can make you feel happy or glad to be in this moment.

    Sometimes something happens that pulls clouds over your days and we need to search for that little ray of sunlight shining through. At that moment it can be hard to find the things you like or love. That’s where this exercise might come in handy.

  • Life


    Shouganai (しょうがない) is actually a shortened or slurred way of saying shiyou ga nai. Directly translated, shiyou ga nai means, “there is no way of doing/going.” It is used interchangeably with shikata ga nai, which translates identically.

    Although it is not a strict Japanese mindset it still holds the power and strength it makes me feel. You can also hold on to the western way of saying it. In English: It can’t be helped. In French: C’est la vie. In Dutch: Het zij zo etc. There are lots and lots of ways to say it, so just take the one that speaks to you most.

  • Life

    We are beauty

    We all struggle with insecurities about ourselves. Do I look beautiful? Am I behaving the way others expect me to? Do I stand out? These are all questions we ask ourselves on a daily basis. Maybe not consciously, but we all want to be accepted into the world around us.

    Isn’t it already a beautiful thing that we all exist? That we all have our own personalities. That we all are human beings on the same planet?

  • Life

    Set your childlike wonder free

    You know when we were children we could spend hours looking at ants moving stuff around. We could be amazed by the wind playing with leaves. The very sight of a rainbow let us drop what we were doing and stand still, just staring in trance at the miracle the rain brought us. What happend? What changed? To make us numb to those tiny little wonders.

    In this day and age we measure ourselves by what we can do and by what we’ve accomplished. We measure the greatness of our lives by the amount and price of products we can buy. Everybody knows that happiness can’t be bought and money doesn’t make you happy. The key is to find out what does. I don’t know the big answer either, but I’m on this age old quest for true happiness like everybody else.

    To kickstart my childlike wonder I like to take baby steps. Just sit on my balcony. Look at the world around me. See what jumps to my attention and stand still for a moment. Like a child staring in wonder at the rainbow. I soak in the image I see and try to find my little wonder.